Announcing India Team
May 6, 2019
Dear TATENDA family-
It is the first part of May and we are late in reporting to you the good news about our 30 Days of Thanksgiving fundraising efforts. We are pleased to say that our efforts and your contributions along with matching funds resulted in a grand total of over $11,000 this year!! This generosity has set us up well to proceed with great vigor in our plans for our 15th TATENDA trip.
And so we happily announce that our Travel Team of Jolie Monasterio and Dr. Nicki Verploegen depart on Saturday, June 8 for INDIA!
Jolie was on the 13th trip when we went to Singapore and Malaysia, where we met the Provincial leaders of India. Seeing what we did with the laity in our retreats, they immediately asked us to come to India.
As you know, TATENDA International has never been to the big country of India and this first visit will give us 32 days in 4 major cities: Mumbai, Nagpur, Chennai, and Bangalore.
Our visit will be in the south central region of the country, which we traverse by air and rail. We will be giving two 7 day retreats to two Provinces of Good Shepherd Sisters and two-weekend retreats to their Mission Partners. There is a lot of land to cover on this trip and it looks as if we will be working with over 140 retreatants. We return on July 11. Expect colorful Updates from us as we step out into a new land.
Much gratitude from us, and many blessings to you,
The TATENDA International Board and Travel Team to India