India Update #2
Update #2 from India
Wed. June 12, 2019
Dear TATENDA trekkers…. or maybe it is trackers(?)
The power went off today at 12:40 p.m. It stayed off for 3 hours. That meant no lights, no fans, and NO COOLERS (I.e., air conditioning). It was brutal. We “glistened” so much (since women don’t sweat) we slid everywhere, leaving a wet trail behind us. We were in the dark because you didn’t dare let heat in with the sunlight. Each of us doused ourselves with cold buckets of water left in our bathrooms to cool because the water in the shower is naturally so hot, it is unpleasant. Oh my goodness.
Now we feel like locals. Nicki has already started to eat like one… that means with her fingers. There’s only one downside… her nail polish on her right hand has turned yellow from the curry. Who would have guessed?
The pictures you see are of the chapel that was designed for this Provincialate to represent the entire cosmos and the Universe Story. The earth is the special tabernacle of the Christ. Beautifully done. Very ecological.
Rumor has it that a cyclone will hit the West coast near Mumbai sometime tomorrow. We are very inland… but we are praying we get rain from it. We could really use a drop in temperature and a cleaning out of the atmosphere.
The other photos are of the Good Shepherd above the entrance to the Provincialate and the carving of their foundress. The building is just 2 months old so everyone is still learning where everything is. We are the first to host an event here. A real privilege. Some of the sisters have traveled more than 3 days by train to get here. Their dedication to each other and to retreat is inspirational. They have come from as far away as Nepal. Amazing women!
More later! Keep us (and the electrical system) in your prayers.
Nicki and Jolie, Travel Team for India