May 2020
Dear Friends of TATENDA;
As our seasons begin to shift, we find ourselves still sequestered safely in our homes, waiting for the virus to pass. With all the swells of the disease around the world, it has become clear that we should not travel internationally this year back to India. The southcentral area of India, namely Bangalore and Mysore, where we were scheduled in early August to give retreats, is in a red zone where the virus is flourishing. So our hosts there agree that it is not a safe time to come.
The Pipal Tree and Fireflies organization is a nonprofit that is only funded through March 2021. So their existence is unsure beyond that date. We hope that they will in fact get funded to continue their caregiving of the earth. The door will remain open between us so that, if they do find funding, we are available after the virus passes to come at another time. We will continue to send them the best of wishes for health and survival.
There is so much need out there. Even though our typical fundraising month is November, we are still available to receive donations to keep us going. We would encourage you to consider helping those around you, financially, emotionally, socially in whatever way you can pay it forward to let generosity become the currency of the day. Care for one another in creative ways and show gratitude as you can. We want to keep the cycle of care going and recognize those who are so dedicated to getting the world back to health and peace.
We are all journeying together with stories to tell in this time of pandemic. Whatever way we can support one another, let’s do it. So much good can still come from this trauma. May you be well and strong as we travel these days at a distance.
Peace and Good Health,
Nicki Verploegen
Co-Founder, TATENDA International