Departure Update for El Paso, TX
May 4, 2023
Tomorrow, Cinco de Mayo, we fly to El Paso, Texas, for our first Domestic Retreat for TATENDA International. Our Travel Team, Nicki Verploegen and Wilson Villamar have been preparing with our people on the ground there, especially our new Board member, Sr. Mary Ann Azanza, RA, for weeks. We are happy to say we have almost 45 people signed up.
We will be hosted at the Loretto Convento. The retreat will be a daylong respite for religious women and associates who have cared for refugees and people on the border during this stressful time. Both English and Spanish tracks will be provided. After the retreat, Nicki will stay on as is the custom of TATENDA to visit sites where the caregivers work. We are delighted that you are interested in following our footsteps and supporting us in our efforts to care for caregivers in our own country.
Stay tuned for Updates from the Field at the southern border. We welcome your prayers and your thoughts as we journey south. Many blessings to your own households as we welcome those who have provided support to the hundreds coming to the USA.
Thanks again, and we will be in touch.
Nicki Verploegen and Wilson Villamar
TATENDA Travel Team to El Paso