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February 2024 at the Southern Border

February 28, 2024 TATENDA International at the Southern Border

We are just back from El Paso, Texas where we facilitated two retreats with a total of 33
retreatants from the Sacred Heart Shelter and Parish. It was a challenging visit as the Attorney
General of Texas has filed a lawsuit against the Annunciation House network of shelters to
which Sacred Heart belongs, trying to shut it down. This was a major conversation locally. We
incorporated this into the retreat, allowing Fr. Rafael Garcia, SJ., to report on the news
conference during the weekend. The Catholic and civil authorities have banded well in
solidarity, refusing to deny care of people in need. New guidelines and careful protocols will be
put in place.
The retreat was a wonderful respite and sanctuary of safety for those in attendance and their
response was heartfelt. Wilson and Sr. Mary Ann Azanza were able to visit the shelter on Friday
night. Visiting the shelter was a powerful experience. We got to see the place where the talents and the
wills join to welcome those who need a provisional roof over their head, food, clothing, medicine and
guidance as they continue their pilgrimage. Listening to some of their stories was heartbreaking and yet

there is the hope that in the end everything will be okay.
Here are some photos that illustrate elements of the journey. Stay tuned for more from our team working
in Massachusetts at health care facilities.
Nicki Verploegen, Wilson Villamar, Sr. Mary Ann Azanza
El Paso Travel Team

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