As many of you know, TATENDA means “thank you” in the Shona language of Zimbabwe. “Thank you” is the common sentiment expressed by the caregivers that TATENDA has served through retreats in various countries since 2007, and “thank you” is the sentiment that I want to express to you for your support of TATENDA. Your financial support has allowed TATENDA to offer spiritual care and nourishment for women and men who offer care in some of the most challenging situations around the world.
While TATENDA was not able to offer retreats during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board of Directors continued to meet and discern other ways to “care for caregivers in gratitude,” as TATENDA’s philosophy states. Plans are now being formed to address two new areas of need that have emerged. The first is care for healthcare workers and their colleagues who have been “on the front line” of care during the pandemic. We expect to launch a new series of half-day retreats that support people who work in healthcare facilities, beginning in
Massachusetts in the next few months. The second is a series of day-long retreats for caregivers who support migrants and refugees who are seeking asylum along the U.S./Mexico border. We expect to begin in the El Paso, Texas area where our newest Board member Sr. Mary Ann Azanza, R.A. ministers.
In addition to these new projects, TATENDA is also planning to return to its roots with international retreats. As travel restrictions have eased, requests for assistance have begun to come in, and we are currently developing plans for a trip to Kenya within the coming year.
What is unique about TATENDA’s work is our ability to offer retreats to caregivers who would not otherwise be able to receive this kind of spiritual nourishment due to cost. 100% of the donations made to TATENDA go to underwriting the costs of these retreats.
Can you help to support TATENDA’s work with a donation to our annual 30 Days of Thanksgiving fundraising drive? You can contribute through PayPal by scanning the QR code to the left or you can send a check to TATENDA at PO Box 186, North Uxbridge MA 01538. You can also donate .5% of your Amazon charges by indicating TATENDA as your preferred charity through AmazonSmile at
THANK YOU…for partnering with us in caring for caregivers here in the United States and around the world.
Paul Covino, President,
TATENDA Board of Directors
Click here to download Thanksgiving Letter. |